
The Mutual Risk Retention Group, Inc., a medical professional liability insurer specializing in acute care providers

Leadership Positions

President and Chief Executive Officer of The Mutual RRG since August 2002. (Eighteen years with the company in total.) Previously, Everett held key leadership positions at TIG/Fairfax, Fireman’s Fund, NORCAL Mutual Insurance Company, and Kaiser Permanente.


Bachelor of Arts degree in Health Services Administration from Saint Mary’s College

Biggest Challenges Facing Her Company

“Our biggest challenges are changes in the healthcare environment,” Everett says. “For example, we geared up for the Affordable Care Act and now that’s being dismantled. The solo practitioner no longer exists in a meaningful way; most physicians practice in groups or are employed. Also, we’ve been seeing a spike in the cost of resolving cases, and that’s concerning. “

Life Situation

Married to “the best husband in the world” for 37 years. They have four children and six grandchildren.

In Her Spare Time

“I love giving and going to fabulous dinner parties with interesting guests,” Everett says. “Of course, I spend a lot of time with my kids and grandkids; we’re fortunate in that we all live very close to one another.”

Charitable Work

Serves on the Pacific University Board of Trustees. She also has served on the NRRA Board of Directors, the U.C. Berkeley Equity & Inclusion Advisory Board, and the Board of Directors at the Physician Insurers’ Association of America (now the Medical Professional Liability Association) where she was Board Chair for two years.

Proudest Accomplishments Professionally and Personally

Professionally, putting together the team at The Mutual. Says Everett:
“They’re a very diverse group, not only in terms of background and education, but also in their problem-solving skills and communications styles. They challenge each other, and they challenge me, and I know we get really good results out of that.”

“My personal accomplishment was surviving the devastating 2017 Napa fires, which burned down the family home. It was in the middle of the night when we had literally 20 minutes to leave. I’m proud of the progress we’ve made in putting our lives back together. It continues to be an ongoing project, though,” she says.


How the NRRA-IPFS Premium Finance Module Can Greatly Improve Any RRG’s Cash Flow


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