How the NRRA-IPFS Premium Finance Module Can Greatly Improve Any RRG’s Cash Flow

The need to stabilize RRGs’ cash flow could not be more important than right now! Everyone has been financially impacted by the events of the past year.

If your RRG defers premium payments to help your members, or you already have members who require or use premium financing, or even if you have members who pay all their GWP up front, NRRA has a member benefit program that likely can help you a great deal.

Also, if you are forming a new RRG and need to stabilize its cash flow to make your business plan more appealing to regulators, this NRRA benefit should be part of your strategy. Frankly, it ought to be part of every new RRG’s strategy!

We at NRRA believe a significant number of executives at risk retention groups and purchasing groups are unaware of our most creative member benefit ever: the NRRA — IPFS Premium Finance Module.

NRRA has partnered with Imperial PFS (IPFS) to provide this valuable benefit exclusively to NRRA members. Founded in 1977, IPFS is a recognized leader in commercial premium financing, providing short-term loans for businesses and individuals to obtain insurance coverage.

NRRA members already participating in the program — which has been in existence for more than a year — have discovered it provides them with a significant financial “swing” and less risk.

Although premium financing has been around for a long time and has traditionally been made available through agents and brokers, the unique, innovative feature of the NRRA — IPFS Module is that for the first time, premium financing can be placed by insurance companies themselves.

This feature can be used to work with and/or supplement whatever program(s) you have in place. Equally important, it also is designed to allow NRRA member RRGs to share in profits with IPFS, and to save a substantial amount in frictional costs as well.

In other words, the Premium Finance Module enables RRGs not only to save a lot of time and money but also to generate considerable additional revenues. That can add up to thousands, even hundreds of thousands, of dollars each year!

Among other things, the program can enable you to…

Improve Cash Flow — Receive all your premium dollars up front so you can invest them immediately. Collecting premiums up front improves financial metrics, liquidity, and RBC scores.

Obtain Premium Financing Directly — Get financing from IPFS for your members without having to use a broker (also eliminating a brokerage fee).

Save on Billing, Legal, and Staff Costs — Outsource your financing customer service, billing, staffing, collection, and legal compliance documents to IPFS.

Earn Out a Portion of the Finance Charges — Opt-in to receive profits of shared interest collected by IPFS, or opt-out to get the lowest possible rate for your members.

Get Your NRRA Dues Covered by IPFS — After a qualifying period of participating in the program, you can provide financial support to NRRA at no cost to your RRG..

Help Gain New Members for Your RRG — Financing enables RRGs that do not currently allow deferred payments to have access to customers who are unable to pay premiums up front. Offering installments increases insurance sales by 5-7%.

Leverage IPFS Technology — Get set up with a quick, easy-to-use dashboard and automated quoting process that also enables you to add additional payment options for an excellent user experience for your members.

By using the Premium Finance Module’s Online Calculator Tool, your RRG may be able to get an immediate dollar estimate of the financial advantage from joining the program.*

To learn more about the significant financial benefits you potentially could gain from participating in our Premium Finance program and to take the first step, click here.

You can also use the link to contact our consultant to show you how the program could work for your company. Otherwise, don’t hesitate to contact our Executive Office for more information on the program:
Phone: (818) 995-3274
E-mail: and


As of this writing, the above link will take you to our Online Calculator Tool, which was designed to estimate the financial “swing” in savings and profit-sharing for companies that report deferred payments as a benefit to their members.

Since those represent only a relatively small percentage of RRGs, we can do an analysis that potentially will show you how to get the same results. Because most RRGs either don’t defer payments or do not report that they defer payments, the estimates have to be performed on a case-by-case basis by our experts.


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