William P. White

William P. White is the Managing Principal of Acuity Strategic Consulting, an independent insurance advisory firm providing strategic planning and development for captive insurance operations and regulatory requirements advisory services.

Mr. White has broad insurance industry experience in executive management positions for leading insurance and reinsurance companies and appointed regulatory positions with state and federal government agencies.

Corporate insurance responsibilities included managing underwriting operations, conducting analysis for runoff/restructuring arrangements, and developing strategic plans for risk financing operations in traditional and alternative risk finance insurance markets.

Appointed as District of Columbia, Commissioner of Insurance, Securities and Banking, Mr. White implemented legislation and developed regulatory policies to meet federal requirements under the Dodd-Frank Act and Affordable Care Act. He co-chaired committees developing global supervisory standards for the insurance industry through the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS).

As a consultant, Mr. White specializes in developing alternative insurance risk financing plans, specifically captive insurance. He has developed – and as a regulator, he has reviewed and licensed – more than 150 captive insurance companies during his career.

Notably, he developed the regulatory framework for the District of Columbia captive insurance domicile and directed legislative revisions to update its market capabilities prior to his appointment as Commissioner. In a similar engagement for the State of Delaware, he developed an effective regulatory licensing process and worked with legal and legislative representatives to initiate captive legislation to align the domicile with the state’s well-established business capabilities.

Mr. White is a graduate of Dartmouth College and received an MBA from New York University, and an Associate in Reinsurance (ARe) designation from the Insurance Institute of America.