What is “NRRA-In-Vision” and what does it mean? We thought it might be helpful if the association clarified this new label.
NRRA-In-Vision is the new branding initiative for all NRRA content and activities, under which NRRA will unify all its efforts including conferences, online presentations, regulatory and judicial advocacy, and education. It also encompasses, enhances, and provides an overarching context for all NRRA initiatives, as NRRA works to improve and expand the creative opportunities for RRGs and RPGs. The concept builds on the vision of NRRA member programs, focuses and expands that vision beyond the possible of today to the possible of what is next. It prioritizes identifying and resolving the challenges of the future, by demonstrating to members and the industry the creative strength inherent in the RRG strategy.
NRRA In-Vision also continues to evolve as a theme guiding and driving NRRA’s regulatory and legal activities for the benefit of RRGs and RPGs, now and in the future. The goal is logically consistent continuity in all activities NRRA undertakes.
NRRA In-Vision seeks to build and borrow ideas, continue to improve on those ideas, and use those ideas in a way that helps develop new related ideas. A key part of the In-Vision effort is a new online platform that premiers in July, allowing participants to quickly assimilate information, and back-track as needed to pick up on prior sessions. After that, ideas and information can continue to be consistently updated in person, online, or through expanded materials.
We are showcasing this new platform with a series of webcasts relating to RRGs and RPGs.
These particular 30 minute webcast sessions will be available to the public, free of charge, and may be recorded to allow participants to play catch-up, so nothing will be missed. Additional Webcasts will be presented hopefully throughout July, August, September, and October, 2022, leading up to the 2022 November Conference. The programs will also continue to focus upon key concepts that likely will be the subject of 2022 Conference topics, as well as separate educational and strategic planning sessions, including:
How and Why RRGs Out-Perform
Purpose-Driven RRGs at work
Secrets of the Successful Companies
The Members’ Toolkit at work
Regulator Outcomes with the NAIC
35 years of Evolution and Revolution
NRRA-In-Vision brings cohesion, coherence, and continuity to the broad spectrum of NRRA’s activities as NRRA continues its mission to be the voice of the risk retention industry. It supports the educational and advocacy efforts of the association as it promotes the concept of “The Purpose-Driven Risk Retention Group:” created for the right reasons and in the right way.
Please join us at NRRA to learn more about NRRA-In-Vision… for today and for an expanding, dynamic tomorrow.